Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I apologize in advance for my mini rant, and for my short absence from blogging. I made some changes to my tumblr site, and let me tell you, it has been difficult.  I have been up for hours and hours trying to figure out html code, and tweaking here and there.  Lots of copying and pasting.  As far as layout, I am enjoying my page a whole lot more.  The images are not showing up as large as I would have hoped, but I love the fact that I can add text to them now.  I would love this little site to be the crazy uncle of With You, Today.

I hope to eventually make it a platform for subject interviews!  Also, to showcase the extra photos that I couldn't add to my main site for various reasons.  I was posting inspirational images, but I think I am going to stick to my own work this time.  Unless something truly mesmerizes me, simplicity is key.

My photographer's brain is getting the best of me.  Officially overwhelmed.  Feedback encouraged!

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your friend,



  1. Looks awesome! I would never have known your frustrations when looking at your tumblr. Congratulations Ava!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave one, or two, or three. :)

your friend,
